Experienced knitters don't make fewer mistakes than new knitters. They make bigger ones faster.

- Yarn Harlot -

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

Wow, 2010 has been quite a year. A lot has happened, both good and bad. I went from a job that paid the bills while I lived with my parents to a job that allowed me to move to Indianapolis. My husband went from almost losing his current job to also getting a job down here. We went from maintaining a relationship 180 miles apart to getting married and living together. I've already asked 2011 to try to top that, without all the drama.

My craft resolution is to continue my Stashdown for the rest of the year. I have about 10 projects planned out, not including my sock challenge. Here are my goals for next year:

1. 12 pairs of socks in 12 months
2. colorwork
3. a pullover
4. knit from my handspun
5. beading
6. kool aid dyeing
7. charity donations
8. finish all works-in-progress
9. Make 52 baby hats in 52 weeks
10. make projects from books i own and haven't used yet

The sock challenge has it's own list of patterns/techniques i want to try, and yes, i have enough yarn for the entire year in my stash already.

My one non-fiber related resolution is to get more sleep, preferably all at night and all at once. However, that will probably cut into my crafting goals.

But that goal can wait until the new year. Now, off to a friend's for partying!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Holiday Stashdown FTW

Unfortunately, the laptop is still out of commission, so I'm using my husband's old laptop. That means this will be a photo-heavy post, since I have weeks worth of knitting to show off!

Overall, the Stashdown was a sucess. Everyone loved their gifts, and technically the only yarn I had to buy was for my husband's gift. So here goes...

Scarf of Doom
This is the seed stitch scarf that I've been working on for about 2 months. I worked on it at knit group, football at buffalo wild wings, a random coffee shop by the outlet mall back home, and of course at home. I love the texture of this scarf, but I will never make one again, even if it does look pretty good on me. I still have another ball of this yarn left over, so it may become one of several stripes in another scarf.

Spa Sets

Next are the spa sets for my Safety ladies. I matched them up with some soaps and lotions I had to make sets. These did not make enough of a dent in my cotton stash though.

Cable Clutch

Here is the clutch that I designed myself. Yes, I could have followed a pattern online, but I wanted to make it a challenge. I held one strand of Patons Classic Wool with one strand of Cascade 220 in similar shades of maroon. The cable design is my own, and I plan on writing it up properly and putting it up here.

I spent some quality time with my sewing machine and made the lining from a discarded t-shirt.

It is closed with both magnets under the flap, and buttons on the outside. It doesn't have enough structure for my taste, so if I make it again, I would add some plastic canvas or something under the lining. Overall, very cute.

Companion Cube

This was the super-secret project for my husband. It is the Companion Cube from the video game Portal. It's used to help you though the puzzle rooms, and it really does start becoming your companion. It is the first crochet project I've done in a few months and it was, well, intense.

8 corners, 8 corner covers, 6 hearts, 6 heart backs, 12 side covers = 40 pieces to sew together. Luckily this is a 3d project, so no ends needed to be woven in. 5 episodes of Battlestar Galactica Season 3 later, and we have a completed companion:

Oh and to top off the holidays, I finished my first Toe Up, Magic Loop, Short row heel socks! The heels are a little wonky and the socks don't fit like they should, but the are finished and look pretty good. And since they are anklets, I think I have enough yarn left for another pair, you know, to perfect the skill.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The lappy is down...

That reference may not make sense to some of you. First google "strongbad" and find the horrible Internet cartoon I used to watch in high school. Then find his email response to "do you listen to techno?"

The unfortunate truth is that my laptop had been out of service for more than a week now, and this blog is currently being typed on my iPod touch. Using the "free" theme of this blog, I very nicely asked the IT guy at work if he would take a look at it for me. It turns out that more than one person hs asked this of him, and he's more than happy to comply. So between actual emergencies at work, he's been working on it. No word yet though on how the poor lappy is doing.

And unfortunately, I have lots of holiday stashdown news to share, including my spinning wheel and adventures in wheel maintenance and emergency fixes.

I will give a full update as soon as the lappy is up and running, since I can't post pictures from my current device.